from $145
Blocked sinks
Blocked showers
Blocked toilets
Drains that are relatively easy to clear are typically $145, whereas the more severe blockages are typically around $400 based on the time it takes to clear them.
We can pop around to look at your blockage and give you an obligation free, fixed price quote.
Not sure what your plumbing issue is? No worries.
We’ll pop over, check it out and give you a free quote.
We're local Joondalup plumbers and we want to be spending our time working, not driving all over the Perth metro area.
Because of this, we can keep costs down and provide the most affordable plumbing in the area.
Keeping a good reputation locally is important to us.
We’re not going to upsell anything. We provide honest advice and create trust, which is why so many customers keep coming back to us.